connections club meeting

Connections Club

We often hear of families searching for much needed "social groups" to help their individual's connection in society.We often hear of families searching for much-needed “social groups” to help their individual’s connection in society.

Once established into the Greater Expectations program and if suitable, the individual can be integrated into our Connection Club social groups!

This allows us to apply the skills obtained and studied in the Greater Expectations program to real situations with other individuals facing the same challenges. Research shows when we socialize with others, the brain retains skills and relates them to a meaningful memory.

The Connections Club group helps provide social experiences in a structured work setting, which in turn facilitates meaningful connections.

Social groups in the program meet to further work on the foundations of:

  • greater expectations autism programSocial Thinking
  • Life Skills
  • Effective Communication
  • Advocacy
  • Organizational Skills
  • Stronger Relationships
  • Opportunity to Engage in Enjoyable Events!

The Connections Club Model

  • Each applicant must go through an interview process with the Connections Club team.
  • Once the interview process is complete, the applicant and their parent/caregiver will go through an informal assessment process.
  • Each applicant/caregiver must sign a photo release.
  • The Connections Club team will work collaboratively with the individual’s parent/caregiver to facilitate mutual collaboration between home and team members.
  • Areas targeted in the program:
  • Social Skills:
    • Four men smiling for the cameraSocial-emotional reciprocity
    • Non-verbal communication used for social interaction
    • Developing and maintaining relationships appropriate to developmental level
  • Life Skills:
    • Self-care
    • Increasing Independence
  • Communication and Advocacy:
    • Self-Advocacy
    • Self-Understanding
    • Emotional Regulation:
      • Proactive strategies
      • Understanding nonverbal cues and own emotional state/behavior
      • Predicting behavior of others
      • Identifying tools to assist in overwhelming emotional situations
  • Organizational Skills:
    • The Connections Club provides a structure by utilizing “work systems.” The system structures a task to facilitate greater on-task time, increase job completion and promotes independence. The work system addresses four questions:
      • What work?
      • How much work?
      • When am I finished?
      • What comes next?


Connections Club fees:  $20.00 per hour; monthly invoices provided to parent/caregiver

Participation:  Each individual will be interviewed at the beginning of their Connections Club experience to determine how many days/sessions a week would be most beneficial for the individual. The session schedule can be revisited as the individual makes progress.

Team Meetings: Team meetings will be scheduled upon request.

For more information about Connections Club or the Greater Expectations program, please fill out our brief contact form.